Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another Thursday

Today I had too much work to do to get it all finished. Yesterday's work was cancelled due to the power outage so the work just piled up.

Then today one of my supervisors gave me some special filing to do. I had done it only once a couple of months ago and forget how it had to be assembled. She did not want to run through it with me again so that project was returned for her to do herself. That's what she wanted. Half the morning she had her door closed and locked. She had some sort of personal phone conversation to do and the file cabinet I need to look through to do my filing was in her office so that stalled me for the rest of the morning. Most of the morning I searched over spread sheets for errors in the end of the month reports. I found three.

I am having a problem fitting into this job training. Several of my co-workers do a lot of gossiping and visiting instead of getting their work done. I have to stay with it though. I need the work. It's too hot today to job search. At least right now.

I finally got my trimming done last evening after I got back from Bartlesville. The yard looks pretty nice. I am hoping tomorrow that Keith W. will come by and take the roof off my patio so I can paint all sides of the framework on Saturday. If he doesn't, I will just do the best I can with the old roof on and then redo what gets scratched up in the roofing project. I hope it doesn't rain. We need the rain but I need to get that painting finished.

Bob A. is coming over tomorrow afternoon to help me get that power washer out of my trunk. I can't lift it alone. I will need to power wash the framework before I paint it. I will try to get that done tomorrow evening.

I can't seem to shake this depression. I feel overwhelmed.


marlu said...

Margie, I admire you for all that you do and your spirit! Hope you feel better. You are doing so much that I can see how you would feel overwhelmed but you are an inspiration to me - and I'm sure many other followers!

Hang in there and we're pulling for you...

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, Marlu, but I sure don't feel like much of an inspiration just now.

You blogging friends do help though.

Thank you so much!