Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Back to Work

Today is Wednesday and I go back to work. It's time. My director called yesterday to say I should send in next week's pay sheet this week. She will be gone to a conference next week and she wants all of us to be paid. So I will get my supervisor to sign my paysheet this week.

I still need to job search this week. I got a couple of resumes' out last week but still need seven more. Where on earth I will find seven more retail places or offices that I haven't already left my resume' is anybody's guess.

I go back to Independence tomorrow to take Juanita to lunch. I will call her this afternoon to be sure she's still up to it.

Good grief! It's starting to rain again. It rained Monday and kept me in and now it's starting again.

I didn't even bother to watch the debates last night. It's the same old same old.

Bachmann said, "There's a board called IPAB. It's made up of 15 political appointees. These 15 political appointees will make all the major health care decisions for over 300 million Americans." There is a board with 15 members, and most are appointed through a political process, though they must have expertise in health care. But the board is intended to recommend cost savings for the Medicare program. It would not "make all the major health care decisions for over 300 million Americans." rated her statement False.

You can't depend on any of them having the true facts. Check it out for yourself.


marlu said...

Last night's "debate" was on a tv network called Blumberg. We don't get it here in Hutchinson. From the few clips I've seen, it was more of the same stuff. . . blame the democrats and Obama.

Margie's Musings said...

That's true...marlu. That's what it was alright. They'll have to come up with something better than that.

So far...I'm not impressed.