Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Quiet Wednesday

This will be a quiet day..outside of work. I have nothing planned for this evening so maybe I can get some housework done. I need to clean both bathrooms and run the swifter again. Missy sheds continually.

I can get some things done this morning if I can train myself to stay off this computer. :)

More later....

I got both bathrooms cleaned thoroughly this morning before work and I have the extra bedroom bed stripped now and the sheets are in the dryer. It's 9:19 and I want to get that bed remade before I go to bed.

I mowed after I got home from work this evening. The mower actually started. I also mulched a couple of flowerbeds and finished the small wall around my flowerbed by the mailbox. I then put some soil in it and weeded it. It looks much better. I will trim the first of the week or Sunday afternoon. I speak at church on Sunday morning.

I want to pack tomorrow sometime. We will be leaving early Friday morning. Myra is coming tomorrow evening. She will spend the night.


Shammickite said...

Sometimes it's really hard to stay away from this dam computer!

Margie's Musings said...

So true!