Thursday, August 30, 2012

Busy Thursday

Today will be extra busy. This morning I will leave about 8:45 to go pick up Juanita to take her to Bartlesville to the dermatologist. She has a place on her skin that needs to be examined. The last time I took her last year, she had a melanoma on her hip that had been missed. They took it off and biopsied it. Sure enough, it was a very thin melanoma. I noticed it and pointed it out while the PA was looking elsewhere. Juanita has no one else to take her to the doctor. I told my boss of her dilemma and she said it was not a problem. I will make up any time I miss at work today tomorrow morning.

I am putting beans on to soak this evening. I will fix cornbread and we will have cornbread and beans with the rest of Bob's ham. I also have pudding left in the frig.

I didn't have a lot to do yesterday at work. My boss was on vacation and because of that it was a slow day.

Last night after I had my salad and even my smoothy, I still wanted something cool. So I called Bob and picked him up for ice cream at Brahms.

I tried to watch the Republican Convention last night but it was full of half truths and downright lies. Many people who don't do their own research will buy into that rhetoric. That's tragic. I check everything out at They expose the outright lies and even the half truths. And according to the Republican convention speakers' speeches are full of those.

As just one example, Paul Ryan talked about a plant in his home town that closed after Obama had predicted it would be around for years to come. The plant closed before Obama even became president. There are lots of half truths and downright lies in those speeches. This is my party and I am so ashamed of it.

More later...

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