Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Again

Well it's Sunday again and I am fixing a hamburger pie for a dinner we are having after church. I still have to do the dessert. It's called cherry pie cake and is one of those dump cake desserts. I'll get to that shortly.

Right now, I'm curious. Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate and the only thing I know about Paul Ryan is that he has proposed a revolutionary budget to eliminate the deficit. From what I have read about it, it is too revolutionary for the poor and middle class. Governor Brownback of Kansas has already done enough damage by eliminating the tax refund on food for low income folks in Kansas. I am curious to know more about Paul Ryan. I checked with to see what that Pulitzer prize winning site had to say and it was a mixed bag. I have posted a question about him on my church's web board and am curious to see what some of the very bright folks there have to say about him.

Anyhow, I had better get my dessert finished before it becomes too late to fix it.

More later....

I have the dessert in the oven so I'll get back to reading the blogs. It's 7:30 AM now.

Much later....

5:15 in the afternoon. I have the dinner over with and it was a success. I also have my newsletters finished and am just relaxing. Tonight at 7:00, I have the Living the Questions group to attend.


marlu said...

I saw today that Paul Ryan was an itern for Gov. Brownback when he was a senator. The writer's opnion was that there might be good things for Kansas because of that relationship.

We'll see.

marlu said...

*intern !

Margie's Musings said...

If what Brownback has done to Kansas is any indication, that's a scarey thought.