Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Another Busy Day

This will be another busy day. Already I have stuffed and stamped 100 envelopes with the class of '53 newsletter in them. I sent out 88 by e-mail earlier. Then I took them to the post office and got them mailed off.

I also got the library foundation minutes off to Jennifer. Then I remembered, I had not yet put my roast in the slow cooker and its frozen solid. I quickly got it out and into the cooker but it's only two hours until dinner/lunch so I don't know if it will get done or not.

I had stopped by the market and bought some potatoes and an onion for my roast. All that made me late getting dinner/lunch started.

I was swamped at work yesterday. I filed first and then started scanning. The more I scanned the more there was put into the scanning box so I didn't get finished with either job. I will work on it again this afternoon. I still have not finished moving all the files to a different file cabinet. I will do that if I ever get caught up.

Tonight I have the PINCH meeting at 5:30. It will be held at St. James United Methodist Church.

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