Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Cold Saturday

I didn't sleep particularly well last night. I was achy all over. When I went to the bathroom I noticed I could feel my heartbeat. That's the second time this week that has happened. I must be tired. I still have the erysipelas. It may be a little bit better or it could be just wishful thinking. It has been six weeks since I developed it. If the doctor I go to had kept me on antibiotics the entire time, it would have been gone by now. I should have known better then not to have gone to a specialist right away, especially when he called it "slapped child syndrome". Live and learn, I guess. At least the emergency room doctor called it cellulitis.

I will meet Bob for breakfast this morning at 7:00. That's an hour away. I ran my vacuum sweeper yesterday and ran over a screw or a nail in the closet. That stopped my automatic drive and it began to be difficult to push the vacuum. I finished up the best I could and then took the sweeper in to Liebert Brothers for repair. I hope they can repair it. It's only 22 years old. :) It has been a great sweeper. It's a Hoover. I swear by Hoover.

We have a guest minister tomorrow and a basket dinner after the service. I will fix a meatloaf and a cake to take. I will also take some steamer veggies I can fix in the microwave there.

I don't know what is on the agenda for today. The entire next week is free except for my hair appointments. That feels good.


Balisha said...

Could feel my heartbeat....I know a lot about this....First of all you've had a lot of stress and probably haven't been getting the right amount of sleep. This happens to me if I am the least bit dehydrated. I keep a 2 litre pitcher of water on the counter and drink it all that day.Joe's a retired RN and has told me about the importance of drinking water.You can read about this anywhere...water is amazing in what ailments it can help.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

marlu said...

I'm so glad you have a relaxing week ahead. You deserve some rest!

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Balisha and Marlu. I seldom drink water so that could be the answer, Balisha. I don't like the taste. I could flavor it though, I guess.

Elaine in Florida said...

Margie, try mixing a tad of concentrated lemon in with your for me! :)

Margie's Musings said...

That's a good idea, Elaine. Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. Just dumb, I guess.