Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Even Colder Tuesday New Years Eve

It's even colder this morning then yesterday. I turned my thermostat down to 65 last night and I slept better in a cooler house. I awoke about 12:30 but did finally get back to sleep. I slept until 5:30...which is late for me.

I will have my haircut this morning so will be going to Independence. Bob is going with me and we will eat at the Chinese restaurant there. It is so good. It is called Great China and it is great!

Missy has been wanting to go out each morning but she doesn't go far and doesn't stay out more than five or ten minutes. She always inspects under my car right away. That's where she was attacked last spring. She spent a week in the hospital and then I gave her antibiotic shots for two weeks morning and evening after she came home. She was a very sick kitty. I thought I might lose her but she recovered.  But now she is very cautious.  Much as she wants to go outside, the first thing she does is look under my car. Odd...cats must have good memories for disaster.

She also does some strange things here in the house.  For instance, she demands her treats first thing in the morning. She waits patiently for me to dress and get my makeup on but then she wants those treats! She runs straight to the frig. She knows they are in there. Then she always comes in after she uses her litter box and meows at me to get it cleaned up so she can do the other thing. She does not like to do them until after I clean up after the first one. I am truly her staff.  

When I sit down to watch TV, she thinks she should always be in my lap.   This cat weighs over 18 pounds and my legs get numb after awhile unless I'm in the recliner. I usually watch TV in the swivel rocker next to the auxiliary speakers since I tend to hear better there.  When I take a nap, I take it in the recliner. That's when it's o.k. for her to be in my lap.  Funny kitty. She has been creaking around ever since the attack last spring. She's only 11 years old but that attack really took something out of her. When she lies down or gets up, she cries out like her joints hurt.

She generally doesn't like anyone but me (and she doesn't like me much) but she has learned to like Bob. He is around here enough that she has become used to him. When he comes, she comes out from wherever she has been hiding and stays close around us.  Here she is in her favorite chair. It's my favorite chair too.

Tomorrow Bob and I will have Lasagna for lunch.   I have not fixed it in years. It's a little labor intensive and the recipe makes too much. I have decided to make it in  two 8 inch dishes and freeze one of them. I think we can make two meals out of the recipe and that way I can thaw the frozen and bake it later. Bob bought all the cheeses yesterday and I have the garlic bread. Leslie donates the ground beef and it is great lean ground beef.  Bob will bring a toss salad and we will finish up the lemon pudding I made yesterday for dessert.  


marlu said...

Your sentence, "I am truly her staff" made me smile.
She is a beautiful cat.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, she is but she certainly has a mind of her own. She will not let me pick her up. She has a mind of her own.

Everything has to be her idea!

Balisha said...

We noticed bruises on my Grandma's legs once. When asked about them, she said, "Those are from Dolly (her cat) she always sits on my lap and I hate to push her off."She would sit there, being uncomfortable herself, so that Dolly could sleep undisturbed.
I love the sentence too.
I've done that with lasagna too. It freezes so well. I'll bet you make a good lasagna.

Margie's Musings said...

We will see, Balisha. It's been awhile.

Thanks for visiting!