Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rainy Sunday

It's raining now or at least has been.I went out to get the paper and it wasn't then. But it is windy and chilly.

I will take my own car to church this morning. I am to attend Maia's fourth birthday pasty at the Pizza Hut in Independence at 1:00.  Maia is one of my great granddaughters.  I have seven.

I made a large coffeecake for church this morning.  I had a piece of it already. (I had to make sure it was edible for the group at church) :)

After the party I will come home to do my Sunday newsletters. Then it's a free Sunday.  There is no Living the Questions tonight. It is next Sunday at Marilyn's home.

I still think the flight 370 plane has been hijacked and it appears the Malaysians think the same thing. They have finally   decided to search the homes of the pilot and co-pilot.  They have decided the plane was taken off course deliberately.  It will be interesting to see if the plane can be found. With today's technology, they should be able to find it..

More later....

The party was changed to Jeromy and Marlene's home. Jeromy made the pizza and the party was held there. I left about 2:00.  The pizza was good but the kids were rowdy and I was tired.

Here's my grandson, Jeromy, blowing up party balloons for Maia for her birthday. 

I did my letters and then took a nap. Bob dropped in and visited with me awhile and then went home to eat.  He came back about 6:00 and we watched 60 Minutes and a couple of episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Then he went home and I took my bath.

I will try to stay up until 9:00 and then go to bed.

Tomorrow we will go to exercise class. I will fix chicken tenders, potatoes and gravy and a veggie and some of Bob's cottage cheese.

I have no other plans for tomorrow. .

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