Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Rainy Saturday

There's a 40% chance of rain today.We had a hard rain last evening. I was hoping to go to either Owasso or Joplin for an Olive Garden lunch but not in the rain. So I guess I'll just come home after breakfast at Eggbert's. I have some ironing to do and I need to dust the apartment too.  I cleaned floors yesterday and Thursday.

The war worries me. It appears the military is hoping for some more ground action to keep Iraq from falling back into rebel hands. We have wasted eleven years of manpower/womanpower and finances in fighting a war we should never have been involved in at all. None of the 9/11 terrorists were from Iraq. Most of them were from Saudi Arabia, one of our allies.  The Islamis from all the Muslim nations should be handling this crisis by themselves. It is a political/religious war and cannot be ended by anything but negotiations and certainly not by Americans and Europeans who are considered infidels.

My sons were both involved in the war and the futility of trying to train an uneducated people became obvious when my younger son was running an Iraqi police academy.  How do you train people to use sophisticated weapons when the bulk of them cannot even read? It's impossible. We simply made a bad situation even worse. Thank goodness they are both being discharged and retired. 

Enough political opinion.


We met Bobby and Karan at Eggbert's for breakfast. They are on their way to Oklahoma City for a grandson's wedding.  But they met us for breakfast before they left.  We had a good visit.

I have been ironing. I had several pair of crops that were heavy and needed an iron set to them. I have them hanging in the closet now and the iron is cooling. Now I need to dust.


susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

All of the wars and threats of war are getting to be too much. I don't know how our country can continue inserting our military everywhere. I guess I see it from the perspective of the mom of someone currently serving in the military. I wish our policy makers could see it from this perspective, but very few politicians have children or loved ones serving in the armed forces.

Betty said...

I am just glad that my son-in-law retired from the Air Force a couple of years ago.

Pres. Obama SAYS he won't send troops back into Iraq. I hope he doesn't cave in. He has done too much caving as it is.

Margie's Musings said...

I agree Betty and I think the pressure from the military is influencing him. Also, his poll numbers are appalling!

I still think the animosity is mostly about his race.