Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday and Church

I will go to church this morning about 9:00. I need to make my coffeecake to take and also soon take Missy out on the carport for awhile. She is complaining constantly.  I will get back to this after that.  First...the coffeecake.

O.K., the coffeecake is in the oven and when it gets light, I will take Missy out. Right now she is meowing and meowing...wanting to go out.  Darn cat!

Today I will speak at church. Afterward some of us will go somewhere to eat.  I need to stop at the bank and get some cash for lunch and my hair appointment on Tuesday. Leslie and Sage will be going on to Topeka to meet her mother, Chelsea, to take Sage back home to Manhattan so it may just be Phyllis and Bob and me. I don't know whether Bobby and Karan will want to eat with us or not. 

This afternoon, I don't have a plan. Tonight is the Living the Questions group at Marilyn's. I have the DVD and book with the questions and discussion topics. We will eat at 6:00. Luckily, I made the potato salad yesterday. I will take some wine too. I think there will just be nine of us. I called Gary yesterday but he wasn't interested in getting out in this heat. He has COPD.  I can't blame him for that under those circumstances.

I read all afternoon yesterday and I hate to just stay home again this afternoon. I do have my letters to do and that will keep me busy for awhile. I got my Cox bill online this morning and already scheduled it's payment online.

Missy has quieted down.  I will take her out in about five or ten minutes.

I took her out for two hours.  She seemed gratified.

At 8:45, I left to go pick up Bob. The sermon seemed to go well. I took the coffee cake to church and they ate all but two pieces.  I just finished my newsletters for the congregation.

More later...

I picked up Bob and went to the group meeting. Where I thought there would be nine, there were 18. It was very noisy and late getting started.  I didn't eat much of anything. I don't like to eat in the evening.  I brought home potato salad. Many brought chips and nibbled on them all evening.

We will try to work in lunch but it will be iffy. I thawed ground beef for sloppy joes to eat with the potato salad but have a 9:00 doctor's appointment and the funeral of Judy's brother is at 11:30.  I don't know when we'll eat lunch. I have to be at work at 1:00.

I wish I had gone to Topeka with Leslie instead. 

I went to bed at 10:00 after my bath and some TV to wind me down.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I was craving potato salad yesterday. I need to get some celery the next time I grocery shop :)

Margie's Musings said...

Mine usually tuns out well. I hope you enjoy yours. I make mine with mashed potatoes the way my mom always did.