Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday and A Two Hour Workday

Today is the first day of my two hour Fridays. SER cut our hours two hours each week and I am taking mine off on Fridays. Bob and I have decided to go to "Just Us" over at Cherryvale for lunch.

I will be going to Springfield tomorrow with Leslie. She will pick me up about 6:30 in the morning.  This is our Mission Center special conference. They will decide whether to spend a lot of money building a porch on the west side of the lodge and also make one of the restrooms handicap accessible.  I can see doing that but I can't see the value of the porch.  I will listen to their reasoning before registering any objections.  Our Mission Center is pretty affluent but the world church is struggling. I this time, at least....we should hold on to any money we have and tighten our belts.

I don't know what I will do with the extra time I will have this afternoon. My apartment is clean and the laundry is caught up.  Maybe I will read.

More later....

Lunch was good and I got to work just 5 minutes late. I stayed an extra ten minutes to make up for it.  I put away all the DVDs and fiction books as well as magazines and newspapers. By then it was 3:00 and time to leave. I read all afternoon and later watched TV until bedtime.

Tomorrow I will go with Leslie to Springfield.  She will be by to pick me up after 6:00 AM.


ChuckFu said...

Hop a plane to Phoenix

Margie's Musings said...

That would be nice, son.