Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Storm

Last night really stormed. We were even under a flood warning. So far I don't see any flooding but then I don't live in a flood area either.

I slept well last night and only woke up once or twice but got right back to sleep. I did dream some though...which is unusual for me.

It's 7:00 and barely light here after the storm. There's still a bit of rain and lots of water on the ground.  Missy was very cautious about coming outside this morning. The storm really frightened her.  I brought her mat out and that may make her more comfortable.  I haven't seen another cat around for several days. The storm may have frightened him off for awhile too.

We are to have more rain today too.

We will have our ham and potato casserole again today for lunch with a veggie and a salad.  I also still have another serving of pudding and cookies for dessert.  Tomorrow we will have beans and cornbread again. I need to get another cornbread mix before then. I also want to be sure I have crushed pineapple and cherry pie mix for my cherry pie cake for dessert on Sunday evening for the Living the Questions group.  I will be gone Saturday with my daughter to Springfield for Mission Center Conference.

More later...

Our lunch worked out well and I got on to work on time (in fact ten minutes early) where I put away DVDs, New Fiction  and hunted books and DVDs for Adrian.  Then I rearranged the DVDs because we ran out of space. I stayed busy all afternoon.

In a little while Bob will be over to watch TV for awhile. He usually goes home about 7:00.  Then I take my bath and put my PJs on. About 9:00 I go to bed.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

We had thunderstorms yesterday morning ( around 4 a.m ) but nothing scary and just happy to have some rain. We had way too much for most of the season and now we've gone dry and crisping up!

Margie's Musings said...

It never does what you need....when you need it. That's El Nino for you!