Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday and the Sermon

Today I have the sermon at church. I got up really early this morning after not sleeping very well. I am concerned about the desktop computer's e-mail program.  I worked to resolve the problem for another hour but with no luck. It receives e-mail but will not send. Luckily I have this laptop and the old 2007 laptop with working e-mail programs.

I can't figure it out. The error message says "Cannot send the message. Verify the e-mail address in your account properties. The server responded 550.5.1.0 Authentication required." I looked at the properties but didn't see a place to verify the e-mail address in the account properties. I am relatively ignorant when it comes to computer problems.  Thank goodness my older son is an IT. When he gets a moment he may get it fixed.

I baked my coffeecake first thing this morning. It is on a rack cooling now. I will put a powered sugar fronting on it after it cools.  John, my son-in-law and the great grandchildren really look forward to it and I bake it every other Sunday for that reason. Bob bakes his pumpkin bread on the alternate Sunday mornings.

I'd better go over my sermon before it gets light or Missy will be wanting to go out on the carport.

When I get home after lunch I will do the newsletters on this computer so I can send it to multiple people from the congregation. Also, I have two or three that I send a hard copy.

More later...

Well the sermon went well and now I have the newsletters finished and ready to go out.  My older son, (the genius) contacted me and in five minutes, he had the desktop computer fixed. That's the one I spent three hours trying to fix yesterday and early this morning. I am so grateful! I should have just waited for him...that all.

They were having supper at Olive Garden yesterday evening...using the card I sent him for his birthday this month. They seemed to enjoy it so that was a good gift choice. 

Now it's three thirty and the work of the day is finished so I can read. Bob will be coming at 6:00 to watch 60 minutes. That's all for today.

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