Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday and Hair Day

I will go to Independence this morning for my hair appointment but I will take Sunflower Road rather then taking the gravel road detour.

Our congregation and the Living the Questions group are so concerned about both Karan and Bobby. The months ahead will be exhausting for Karan as well as Bobby. We will continue to pray for them. We know God will be right there with them through this journey. I took the Parmesan Chicken over to them last evening. I knew she would not feel up to cooking after such an exhausting day with such terrible news.

I slept fairly well last night.  I awoke at 2:00 and had some trouble getting back to sleep. Finally I resorted to counting my breaths and finally got to sleep.

Joyce leaves today for California to visit her son. Later she will go to South America to visit one of her foreign exchange students.  Her son is paying for her trip.  She will spend Christmas with that family.

Marilyn and I may go ahead and have our breakfast Thursday morning even though Joyce will be gone and Karan will probably not be able to join us.  We'll play it by ear.

Yesterday I got a letter from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They are my Medicare supplement, They will be raising my premium the first of the year by $34.11. It usually just increases $11 every year.  I called to find out why that increased so much and they said it was a couple of factors. First...people in "my group" are using Medicare a lot more and second, Medicare is not paying as much of the doctor's bill so they are not making as much profit  being a Medicare supplement. Now, I generally go to the doctor twice a year just to get my thyroid tablets refilled. I seldom am sick and I don't go to the doctor just for something to do. After all, I have a life. So..I am penalized because people in "my group" are not as well as I am.  If I take the Part "G" option, it would only go up a few dollars but I would have to pay the deductible each year. This year the deductible was $144 but they won't know what it will be in 2016. Congress hasn't yet funded 2016.  When I find how much that deductible is, I may change to Part "G".  It's always something.  Getting old is not for sissys.

More later....

Leslie texted me this afternoon and asked me if I would like to go to Bartlesville with her. Of course, I would! So I met her at 3:30 at Tyro and we went to Bartlesville. She had her tires rotated and an oil change and we used their loaner to go to the mall and she had some exchanges to make.  She had forgotten her purse so I got to buy dinner.  We had a good time but I drove home from Tyro well after dark. Bob was still here doing laundry when I got home. he left and I took my bath and the regular routine followed. I went to bed at 10:00 after watching Frontline on PBS.


Anonymous said...

that angers me!! Again lets reward poor eating habits and habits in general that are causing health problems (diabetes due to unhealthy choices) how about increasing benefits for those that take care of their bodies and have a record of only going to doctors once or twice year...they could track the amount used each year and reward those that are not suffering from poor choices..not sure that is practical or realistic but I get tired of the alternative..you don't smoke! you don't eat to unhealthy, you exercise! how about deductions for those enrolled in senior citizen excursive classes..or something that rewards is my point!! instead of our government being reactive try a proactive approach to health care..if they put that much thought into policies that did this we would be a better country.

Margie's Musings said...

I'm very unhappy about it too, Scott. I may end up taking their plan G. It's only a few dollars more but I would have to pay the deductible out of pocket. This year that's $144. Congress hasn't decided how much it will be next year yet.