I checked in with my son and daughter-in-law's new home progress. This is what I found that was new. I think he called those corbels on the top floor around the bottom of the roof. I think they add character to the house. And I noticed that have painted the stucco up there too. It's very attractive. I like the color. They have an awful lot more to do before June and move in day though.

I'll post more as it develops.
I worked in my flowerbeds again this morning and got the mulch down. I also had to run Missy out of the flowerbed. She laid down right on one of my petunias. Luckily I don't think she hurt it.
In the morning, I want to get up at 4:30. We need to be out to Leslie and John's at 6:00 to leave for Independence, Missouri. I will need to pick up Bob and Karan and Phyllis around 5:30 to get to John and Leslie's at 6:00. The service starts at 10:30 but we need to stop at Neodesha and pick up John and Sue and Johnna and Kim first before leaving for Independence, Missouri.
Bob and I had our usual breakfast at Sirloin Stockade this morning at 7:30.
Then we just now walked over to Braums and had a chicken sandwich at 4:00 this afternoon. He is over here now reading the Journal and will probably stay to watch the news. We will need to all get to bed early since we will be up at 4:30 AM tomorrow.
Here the latest photo. I can see they are working on it. I hope they can get it finished by June.

They will soon be doing the lower part..
I kept after Betty until she sent her nephew over to mow our yard. We are expecting rain late Sunday evening and it really looked ratty.
He must have been angry. He did a terrible job...missed several places altogether. And got grass clippings on the carport. I went out with Bob's blower and blew off the patio and the carport. The neighbor came over and told me Justin's mower threw a rock and broke the window in the sliding glass door in the apartment across from mine to the east.
What a mess! It's been nothing but problems since Wayne sold these apartments.
I've had my bath and am ready for bed. I must be up at 4:30 to pick up Bob and Phyllis and Karan to go to Independence, Missouri tomorrow. We will go out to my kid's house in rural Independence, Kansas. They have rented a van and Leslie will take her SUV too. There are 12 of us going.
It looks huge. I like the things you called corbels...new word for me!
Me too, Sister-Three
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