Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday and Hair Day and Lunch There Too

I have slept really well the past two nights. That's good news after last week.

I got up shortly after five this morning. In a little bit, after I drink my coffee, I will load the cakes into the trunk of my car and get ready to go to Independence to deliver them and get my hair done. It really is a mess. Rain and wind have played havoc on it. Bob will visit his sister, Betty, and I will pick him up after my hair is finished and we will eat lunch at Great China.  

I went into Liebert Brothers yesterday afternoon and checked out a self propelling sweeper. It was $339.00..way too much for me to spend, especially since I had to transfer $300 last month to get through the month this month. When I don't get my social security until the middle of the month, I run out of money before it comes in. I was hoping to be able to transfer it back over the next few months.

I have been having a problem with my right hand thumb swelling and being feverish after I vacuum with my new vacuum cleaner. Ever since I did all that scanning at the library, I have had a problem with my right hand thumb. It swells up and gets real sore when I vacuum on Monday.

It has rained off and on this week. It's supposed to move on tomorrow. I hope so. We needed the rain but enough is enough.  Houston, in Texas, has had major flooding. My cousin's husband and two girls  live there. My granddaughter, Sara, also lives there with her family. I don't know whether they are affected or not. Since my cousin died, we have not kept in touch. Everett and one of the girls do come decorate graves over the Memorial Day holiday. Maybe I will see them the end of next month.

Tomorrow is exercise class again and in the afternoon we play Bunco at Asbury Village retirement home. Wednesday evening at 5:30, I have the PINCH meeting to attend. I am chairperson this year so I have the agenda ready already.

More later...

This is the stone for my son and daughter-in-law's fireplace and bar wall. Won't that be pretty?

We had to eat at a Chinese Buffet since Great China was closed for a month while the family returns to China for a visit to relatives.  I would have eaten at Big Cheese but I left Bob to make the decision and he chose to try another Chinese restaurant. It was fine but it wasn't Great China.  I will leave my car parked there on Sunday while we make that trip to Independence, Missouri to the special worship service.

More even later...


Galla Creek said...

I like the stone!

Betty said...

I get my check the second week in the month, too, and I never know where I am. Since I have it put in my account electronically, I don't understand why it can't be done at the first of the month. Surely, it's just a matter of scheduling it.

Margie's Musings said...

I argued with them when Bob died and I began getting his amount of social security. He had always had it on the 3rd. Sometimes it's the middle of the month before I get my social security and my rent is due on the first. I have meager savings but I sometimes have to transfer some money to cover my rent and then later transfer it back into savings. Right now I owe my savings $300 for this month when the social security didn't come in until the 13th. It's a mess!