Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday and Church and Eating Out at Just Us

I would have slept very well last night but a couple of hours after I had gone to bed and was sleeping soundly, Judy called to say they were still in New Mexico and would not be back in time to host the Living the Questions group on the 5th of March. She wanted to change their date until the 12th of March.  No one else could host it before they came home on the 5th because Howard had wanted to take the DVD home with him to be sure they could get it to play on their DVD player. He also took the book with the discussion questions in it. So the DVD and the discussion material is at their house and they are in New Mexico.

I had a terrible time getting back to sleep after that.  I finally got up at 3:20 or so and e-mailed the group about the change. Karan's date will be changed too to the 26th. We try to make these meetings no closer then two weeks apart.

While I was at it I also e-mailed my classmates to tell then about another of our friends who had passed away. The woman was in the class ahead of ours but everyone knew her and so I promised John, W., the class treasurer, I would pass that information on to the online classmates.  We have 68 online and 75 who have to have a hard copy of the newsletter at the end of the year.

I tried to go back to bed and back to sleep but it was impossible.

I got up about 4:45 and read the newspaper and made my coffeecake for the Church School class this morning. I just got it iced and I have done the crossword puzzle and am just killing time until 9:00 when Bob come to pick me up.

More later....

Church school was fine and they really ate that coffee cake. I had two small pieces left.

I got my newsletters finished  after lunch....which was also good, as usual...and then lay down for a rest.

I was still lying down when Bob came shortly after 5:00. He stayed until 7:00 and watched the news and 60 Minutes. He was not interested in the Oscars so he went home. I stayed up and watched them. I also saw the error just before Missy and I went to bed at 10:30. 


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Sleep or no sleep Margie you always get 'er done :)

Margie's Musings said...

Yes...I try, Deb! Got to keep moving at my age.