Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday and Church and Coffeecake

I slept pretty well last night but got up around 4:00 AM. After I dressed and got myself ready for the day, I put my coffeecake in the oven. Every other Sunday, I make a coffeecake for the church school class. On the alternate weeks Bob makes banana nut bread. He makes coffee for the class too.

Missy is back on the bed this morning. She wet on the bathmat I put under the litter box this morning. About every third day, she does that.  About three or four days a week, I have a load of laundry because of that. It's a small price to pay for her companionship though. She is a lot of company.

So far my surgery is really phenomenal.

It's almost time for my coffeecake to come out of the oven so I will get back to this later...

Well, it was finished and is now cooling before I ice it.  In awhile, about 8:00, I will call Phyllis to tell her I am driving this morning.

So more later....the dryer has stopped.

I got the dryer contents folded and put away and went to pick up Bob at 8:50 then picked up Phyllis.

The church service was good. Karan did a good job.

After church we three went to "Just Us" for lunch.  As usual, Kay saved us a table with our pie already set out for us. When we got home and I got both of them home, I printed off the newsletter for today and got those without e-mail out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up tomorrow afternoon.

Missy and I laid on the sofa and I watched an episode of "John Kennedy, The Reckless Years" on Amazon.

I went out and raked a few leaves and put them in the trash. I am trying to eliminate having to constantly rake leaves and put them in small grocery bags.

The NCAA basketball tournament is on this afternoon and this evening until 60 Minutes can come on. I am so sick of sports....especially basketball. That running back and forth just drives me crazy. I prefer football if I must watch sports.

More later....

After 60 Minutes was over, I took my shower and Missy and I watched a movie on Amazon with Harrison Ford called "Regarding Henry" . At 9:30, Missy and I went to bed.


marlu said...

What is so strange about present day basket ball is that I can remember when you could not touch a player on the opposite team. Now they wrestle around each other. And what would pass for "walking" is not even called.
It's a different game and I don't enjoy it all.
We also watch football!

Margie's Musings said...

Me either, Marlu. Thanks for visiting my blog.