Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday and Apartment Cleaning Day

I slept very well last night. I woke up at 2:00 and went to the bathroom and took my med and a melatonin tablet. Then I went back to bed and back to sleep.I awoke next at regular arising time.

I have got myself and Missy ready for the day and stripped my bed. I have the bedding in the laundry already. I don't know how long...or if...the plumber will have the water off so I wanted to at least have the laundry done. I will vacuum after I finish this. Now I need to get that laundry into the dryer.

So. more later...

O.K. The laundry is in the dryer now and Missy is on my bed taking a nap. There's no bedding on it just now but she is sleeping there anyhow. Cats! Who understands them???

I looked at that messy sink as long as I could and finally got out my Bartenders Friend and cleaned it up again. We will see if it backs up again like it did yesterday after my exercise class.

As soon as I finish my cappuccino, I will begin vacuuming. So, more later.

Yesterday's post showed how that sink filled up with filthy gunk again while I was at exercise class yesterday. Ths morning I couodn't stand to look at it any longer so I got my Bartenders Friend, and cleaned it up again. I wonder if it will look like this when he comes this afternoon.
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 We will see! So, I need to get on with the cleaning...more later....

I have all of the vacuuming finished and the kitchen floor cleaned and only have the dusting yet to do. I haven't had lunch yet. I have been visiting with Maureen, my neighbor across the way. I took a break. Now I need to eat my lunch because the plumber will be along shortly. It's noon now. After the plumber is finished, I will clean the bathroom thoroughly.

So, more even later....

Well,the plumber came. He ran his snake though my plumbing but couldn't clear it. So he went over to Simmon's and could get more directly into the line from their side. They don't have a vanity in the way. He spent over an hour trying to get that snake to go "down" and through the line to clear it but it just came over to my side and ran through my trap. He made an awful mess of their bathroom because every time he tried to back that snake out it threw that black gummy gunk all over the walls,  the floor, and the shower curtain.  He says that wall on both sides will have to be opened up in order to fix the plumbing. He turned off the water to both our bathroom sinks so we would not use them. I don't know what Betty is going to do.

Anyhow I brushed my teeth in the kitchen sink this morning and I guess I will do that until they can get this mess fixed...whenever that will be. I leave for my cruise in two weeks. I hope it will be finished by then.  If not, I guess I will just have to leave my key with Carmen or Marilyn or even Betty. She has a key and she is the landlady.

There's nothing else I can do.

More's time for the news.

O.K. It is 7:00 and I just finished my bath and have my  PJs on. I will watch "Nature" if I can get Missy to come watch it too. Otherwise, I am going to watch Frazier.  At 9:00, Missy and I will go to bed as usual.

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