Saturday, July 21, 2018

Saturday and Arm Hurting Again

I woke up this morning with my right arm aching. I finally just gave up and took another Aleve. It does give me relief from that pain.

Missy is wanting to go outside but it's still dark at 6:00AM.  We will go out when it gets light outside.

I have laundry in the dryer. I stripped my bed this morning. I will clean the apartment again this morning while I have no pain in my shoulder. But first I want to watch CBS news.

I remade the bed and put away the laundry and now I will leave. 

So, more later...

I started to go to Bartlesville and while there to pay my Goody's bill. Then I thought  "I don't need a thing and they have a Goody's store in Independence much closer so I just went up there and paid it. I tried to pay it online but they would not accept my username and password. So I just paid it in the store. I also stopped at Ana Mae's and had a muffin so now I have spoiled my appetite for lunch. I will just eat later this afternoon.

I still have the bathroom and kitchen floors to mop so I'd better get to it.

More even later...

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