Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday and Hair Day

I woke up at 3:30 AM and could not get back to sleep. I finally just got up at 4:00AM. I got myself ready for the day and fed myself and Missy. Then I took her out for awhile but for some strange reason, she wanted back in the apartment. Now she is in on the bed sleeping.

I am watching the news now on the antenna and the picture is just fine. They must cut their power in the evening like radio does.

I will leave at 8:20 for Independence for my 9:00 hair appointment. I have texted Bob to see if he wants to go to see his sister, Betty. I just heard back from him. He wants to go. I will pick him up at 8:20.

He may want to eat at Big Cheese or Great China. Or he may want to come back home to eat with Joanne. I will check with him after I pick him up.

More later...

I picked up Bob about 8:25 and we went on to Independence and I took him over to Betty's to visit while I got my hair done. Kathy told me she is giving up her job so she can got to Texas on Sunday to help her daughter with her children. Her daughter has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will start her chemotherapy next week. Then they will do a lumpectomy. That's awful! I put her and Kathy on the prayer list at church.  After I picked up Bob we went to Walmart and bought school supplies and backpacks for the church's back pack day. Then we went to eat at Great China for lunch. After that, I took him back to his home in Coffeyville.

I called Leslie's old hairdresser, Toni, here in Coffeyville and made a regular appointment for Tuesdays. Kathy gave me the formula for my hair color. 

I read most of the afternoon. After that I ate some yogurt, took my bath and lay down with Missy to watch the news. The picture was tearing again so I switched to streaming my Amazon Prime. There I watched a couple of episodes of "Cheers" . In about an hour Missy and I will go on to bed. I was up at 4:00 this morning and am tired.

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