Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday and Hair Day

I slept pretty well last night. I did wake up a couple of times with diarrhea.  I don't know what that was all about. All I had for supper was half a turkey and cheese sandwich and a small amount of tomato basil soup....and an ice cream bar.

Anyhow, otherwise, I slept well and until almost 6:00AM

I will go back to Coffeyville this morning and have my hair done and also try to get out to Walmart and get another garden hook. The hummingbird is using my hummingbird feeder even though it is hanging catty wampus on the fence. I will put the hook in the flowerbed so I can watch the hummingbirds out the window in the den. I also need yogurt, half and half and cake pans.

Scott called this morning and talked to me until he got to work. He shared his family news with me and about their move to Gallatin, Tennessee, a city of about 38,000 near Nashville. They will live there until their home is finished.

I hope the rain holds off until I get my running around done. Suzanne wants to meet Alice and me at Copan Truck Stop about 2:00PM this afternoon and I will pay my rent then so I need to get back to Caney instead of going to play Bunco at the senior center. I will leave for Coffeyville at 8:15AM for the hair appointment and the trip to Walmart afterward.

So more later...

As soon as I got to Coffeyville I went out to Walmart to get a hook to hang my hummingbird feeder on. Wouldn't you know! They were out! So I went to Orchelon's and found one. I have the feeder hanging out there now and the little hummingbird is gone now. After this rain is over, I will go back to Coffeyville to the nursery and get my flowers.  I plan to take Nancy with me so she can get hers.

After I had my hair done, I got two cake pans at the Dollar Tree, went to the bank and stopped at Brahms and got my yogurt and half and half.

Nancy and I went to lunch today and she picked up my ticket. I told her it was my treat but she said I could get it another time. We will see!

I am to meet Alice and Suzanne at the Copan Truck Stop for coffee and pie at 3:30PM. Alice is in Bartlesville today.

More later...

Suzanne called about an hour early and invited me to come early to the truck stop for pie and tea. We hadn't been there long when Alice came. We visited for at least an hour and had our pie and even some onion rings.

Suzanne came by the apartment afterward to see me apartment again and the valences I had put up. I told her I was going to ask Bob A. to let me borrow his electric hedge trimmer and she offered to get a local guy to trim both our hedges....mine and Alice's. I took her up on that offer.  She will contact him soon and that hedge will get trimmed.

I won't eat another bite this evening. That piece of pie was huge. In about an hour, I will take my bath and put my PJs on and watch TV until 9:00PM when I intend to go to bed.

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