I went to bed about 9:00PM last night and slept well until about 2:00AM when a cricket began chirping in the bedroom. Finally I got up and turned on the light and began looking for it. About every 10 seconds it would chirp again. I got my flashlight and looked under the bed, in all three closets and I simply could not find the little critter. It sounded like it might be coming from the storage closet in my bedroom but if it did, it was behind the many boxes I have in there and I could not sleep with the noise. Finally, I took my quilt and afghan and went in to sleep on the sofa. It took awhile but I finally got back to sleep there and woke up about 5:00AM. What a night! When I went in to make up the bed, the little critter chirped once again ...just to let me know he was still there, I guess. I will be very tired today.
I have dressed and got myself ready for the day, had my oatmeal and a breakfast bar and am working on my coffee now. I haven't even turned on the TV with today's weather. I haven't checked on the cats either. It's just now 6:00AM.
(On the side: I tried to access Kay's blog to read her remarks about a solar fan, "Is our solar fan really helpful?" but could not get access to it this time for the first time ever. I sure don't like the new google administrator of this blog. It's always something anymore.)
I will get my Chai and go watch the weather channel and the news later.
I see the weather should be fair for the next week. That's good. Maybe I can get some more leaves cleared up.
Jean Page contacted me about working as an escort at the Red Cross bloodmobile on Monday from 12:00 until 3:00. I had already arranged to give blood again on Monday at 11:30AM. I have O negative blood which can be used for anyone. I will wear my face mask and keep my distance. They have the appointments spaced so there is no one waiting in the chairs together.
More later..I am watching CBS news now. It's 8:45AM
I finished the news and brought it the cat's bowls. Then I fixed myself a lunch of a frozen meal and some sugarless punch. Then the service came on and after three different tries with two other browsers, I used Google Chrome and managed to watch the service at 11:00AM.
Those others browsers must have slowed down the signal. It's noon now.
More later...
I went over to Nancy's about 3:00PM and she dressed and we went for drive in the country.Then when I took her home she wanted me to come in for awhile.I did that and around 5:45PM, I came on back home to watch 60 Minutes.
Unfortunately 60 Minutes was postponed because of a football game. It was nearly 6:46PM before the program actually started. I watched it and then took my bath and read until 9:00PM when I went to bed.
It had been a good day all in all.
1 comment:
Hi Margie,
I'm so sorry. I was having trouble with my blog posts on Friday and kept trying to fix it. It should be OK now. The operation seems so slow. I don't know if it's Blogspot or my Internet connection.
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