Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday and a Trip to Bartlesville to See Nancy.

I slept well last night and was up only once in the night and took my two meds then. I got right back to sleep afterwards. It's 4:51AM now and I am back at the computer on this blog. I haven't made my bed yet or dressed and got myself ready for the day. I will do that shortly. I still have half the west side yard to mow but I will not do that. I hope Mike will come do it. If not, I will have to. My mower still needs the blade sharpened. John never got to it after he told me it would need sharpened. It was very hard to mow yesterday. It was all I could do to push it. The last time it was used was when Krystal used it. It had a lot of dirt stuck to it that came loose after I finally got it started. I am sure the blade needs to be cleaned and sharpened.

I guess I will go make my bed and dress now. It's my usual 5:24AM.

So More Later... I got everything ready for the day..including myself.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" . I haven't seen anything of Blondie yet though.

Today is to be 92 degrees and mostly sunny,  Friday is to be 96 degrees partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 95 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny and Wednesday is to be 94 degrees and sunny. 

That's the week, Lots of hot weather and only one day of rain..Sunday.

I took my walk at 6:45AM  and got back at 7:20AM. I had a few pieces of trash and a water bottle and when I got back home I put the sack in my dumpster.

This evening at 6:30PM is the Betterment Committee meeting at City Hall. I intend to attend, I hope I don't forget.

I sure hope Mike will come finish mowing my west yard. If not, I will have to do it later this afternoon. If they are open today, I may drop by Mr. G's and ask if he will do it. I sure would rather not have to do it.

They appear to be closed at Mr. G's. That's probably because of the water situation. They are all under a boil order. I will wait until this evening to mow. It may be cooled off some by then. 

I don't believe John made it today to sharpen the blade on the mower.either.   I knew he was very busy with his business but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask him since he was the one who initially suggested the blade needed sharpening. I will wait until he is not so busy. I will mow the rest of the west side later this evening after it cools off a bit. I hope it does cool off a bit.

Now that I am back home, I will read again. According to the computer, it's 88 degrees out side now...way too hot to mow right now.

It's 4:01PM  now. John, my son in law, came and sharpened my mower blade. They will be gone for a couple of days.  I was glad he got that done. After it cools down some this evening, I will try to finish the west side yard. It should be easier with a sharp blade. It's 91 degrees now so it will be awhile if it even cools down.

I asked Sally if she wanted to go to Copan for supper. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and I was hungry. She wanted to go with me so I picked her up shortly before 5:00PM.

When I took her home, I attended the Betterment meeting at City Hall. They have some plans for the community. It will just take a lot of volunteers to implement them.

It's 7:54PM and it's 91 degrees out there now. I don't believe it is cool enough for me to mow this evening. I am hoping Mike will be able to finish mowing that west yard. Maybe I can do it in the morning.

It's 7:56PM right now and I will need to take my bath and get my pajamas on and my robe.  Hopefully I can mow in the morning before it gets real hot if Mike doesn't come to do it.

I will read after my bath and plan to go to bed at 9:00PM. It's 89 degrees now outside.


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