Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Menier's Disease

Bob has Menier's Disease and has had it for years. But he hadn't had an episode for fifteen years until this morning. I was out in the kitchen earlier this morning and he called out to me from the bedroom. I went running only to find that he was suffering from vertigo. I got him one of his pills and then checked his sugar to be sure it wasn't that. His sugar was 134 so I knew it was the Menier's Disease. He took the pill but still was dizzy headed when I left for my hair appointment. I told him to stay in bed and I would be back in less then an hour.

I was just finishing up in the chair when our daughter called. She had called to check in on us and her dad answered the phone like he was at death's door. He scared her to death. She called her brother to see how near he was to our place and he was 90 miles away still. So she called to see where on earth I was. I told her what it was and that I had given him one of his pills and taken his blood glucose but she was mildly irritated that I wasn't home. I had done all I could but he did not have his hearing aids in and could not hear her and thought she had hung up. She thought he was deathly ill and had hung up on her. Then our son called and told him he was going to call 911 but Bob couldn't hear him and said "o.k.". Luckily, Leslie called Scott back and told him what it was and not to call 911.

What a mess. I was home within the hour and explained what he had done to alarm our kids. He was properly penitent.

I discovered his meds were fifteen years old so I don't know whether they will do any good or not. I called his doctor, who was out of town, and got the one on call to call in a fresh prescription but it will be afternoon before he can get to it.

Never a dull moment.


Linda said...

Bless you Margie, I've been through some of those situations with my father. It's quite a ride!

Sylvia K said...

Hope he's better, whatever it is, it's never fun being ill with anything! Enjoy your kids and have a good Thanksgiving!

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, it is Linda. He gets more difficult the older he gets. He's well enough now to take the cranberry sauce back and get cranberries.

Mari Meehan said...

They all do Margie! Enjoy the day tomorrow and brace for the next go round. That's life and why women are so supportive of one another! It's that Mars Venus thing, you know?

Balisha said...

Margie...You have sure had your share of difficulties lately. I hope that things settle down for you soon. It's never easy taking care of a man.

Margie's Musings said...

Isn't that the truth, Balisha!

Judy said...

Margie, What a day you had! I know things like this can be so stressful. Hope your Thanksgiving is good with your family and children and calm!!