Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Busy Day

Bob thought he should go with me for my hair appointment and meeting today. Juanita called and canceled our breakfast date. That was good. I was waiting until 7:00 to call her and advise against her trying it. She beat me to it.

So Bob went with me after I changed my hair appointment till 10:15. By then, it wasn't quite so treacherous. That's not a great idea. He's so feeble he wouldn't be much good to me if anything happened but it made him feel better so I guess that's good enough reason to let him go. Then we ate at Calico Cafe after the meeting and then went shopping for groceries for Christmas.

My meeting went well at 11:00 and we got the Martin Luther King Worship service planned. We will have one more meeting on the 7th of January. The service will be held at the Church of the Brethren in Independence on the 18th instead of the 19th. That's a Sunday evening and we thought attendance would be better.

The minister we invited from Bartlesville is to call me back after he checks his schedule at his church. I caught him at home and his schedule was at his church.

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