Monday, July 20, 2009

Housecleaning Monday

As usual this is housecleaning day. I scrubbed the kitchen floor with my new steamer this morning. Then I steam cleaned the carpet in the office. I cleaned both bathrooms and Bob vacuumed for me after he watched his "doctor's show". The cleaning took all morning.
Now we have had a bite of lunch (Slinky helped me with my grilled cheese sandwich). Bob will take his nap.

This afternoon we will read. We're going to take Leslie to lunch tomorrow. I have my board meeting in Independence tomorrow at 11:00. Leslie is going to bring us some tomatoes. Ours are hardly doing anything. I went out there yesterday and trimmed off all the extraneous leaves, hoping to make the tomatoes larger that way. That's what Gay told me to do. I should grind up my eggshells too and put them in the tomatoes. I read that that adds calcium.

Let's face it...we just don't very good luck with tomatoes. Thank goodness John and Leslie do.


Balisha said...

My hubby planted his topsy turvy tomatoes a week after Father's Day. We will be having tomatoes in Nov. LOL I guess they will be about a month late...We've had no hot weather either...that would help.

Margie's Musings said...

I'm not happy with ours...that's for sure.

Unknown said...

What kind of steam cleaner do you have? I've been thinking of getting the new Oreck Steam-it. It seems versatile, and I like the idea of not using chemicals.