Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Complication

Leslie noticed the other day that my left eye was red and tearing. I stopped wearing my left contact that day and waited for the eye to clear up but it hasn't cleared up and it still tears a lot.

I started cleaning house and doing laundry this morning but now I will have to interrupt that do go see the optometrist. He is twenty miles away. I will leave about 11:15. My appointment is at 11:45.

I read last night instead of watching TV. I am reading a very interesting book called "Saving Jesus from the Church...How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus". The author is Robin R. Meyers from Oklahoma City. Verrrry interesting.

I will meet Phyllis F. for dinner tonight. We are both widows although she has been a widow for ten years. She has a part time job...something I probably need to do in the spring...hopefully the job market will improve by then.

More later...after I find out about my droopy red eye.

The eye is drooping because the muscle has relaxed. Roger wants me to have eye lid surgery to correct it. The lid rubbing on the eyeball is making it red. And the left lid droops all the time. I have an appointment March 30th in Wichita but Roger wants to talk to several of his colleagues and see if they can recommend a doctor in Joplin or Tulsa. Otherwise, he wants me to see this doctor in Wichita. I will know by the middle of the week. Leslie has agreed to take me.

I went to see Gerry this afternoon. She is not at Windsor. She is still in the hospital. She may be back at Windsor tomorrow. But she is going to have to have another disk repaired. So far she has had three of these procedures done.

So I went to see Phyllis before I went to the hospital. Phyllis' cold is better but she is not sleeping at night. She is sleeping in the daytime instead.

While you're here, check out Robert Reich's blog over on the right side of my blog. He talks about "America’s Two Economies, and Why One is Recovering and the Other Isn’t".


marlu said...

Hope your report is good from the optometrist. Last Friday my left eye became completely red - no tearing, no pain. My eye doctor, after examination on Monday, that it is simply a broken blood vessel. It looks much worse than it is!

Margie's Musings said...

That's good!

Margie's Musings said...
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Freda said...

Sorry to hear you are having eye trouble. And the long wait is not easy. When you have something wrong like that it affects the whole of life. Try to take it easy. Every Blessing