Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The House

Well, the Republicans won the house but not the Senate. There's a message in doubt. People wanted change when they elected this president but the change he brought wasn't the change they wanted. He continued the policy Bush started of bailing out the rich and letting the middle class stew in their own job losses. He needs to initiate a federal jobs program to fix the infrastructure and hire some of those jobless people to work at those jobs. That would accomplish three things...put people to work, circulate some money and fix the infrastructure at the same time.

He also needs to make the banks make loans for small businesses and not just those giant businesses who are taking the free stimulus money and pocketing it and paying off their CEOs instead of using it to hire people.

Surely he can see that. Yet he is becoming one of those politicians that bow to the special interests. That is just what he campaigned against. He needs to learn that you can't just get by on your personality. He needs to fulfill some of his campaign promises if it's not too late with the Republican taking the House. He's very lucky they didn't take the Senate too.

And...we're still at war. I voted for him to get us out of Bush's wars. If he does that though, there will be thousands and thousands of vets returning to the no job situation. Still he may be a one term president if he doesn't do that.

Hopefully he will get the message before it's too late.


Barbara Parker said...

Yes , I do agree. they are always bailing out the rich, when the working class people are struggling. Some of the problems I have noticed in the job market are that a lot of people our age are going to be in serious trouble when changing jobs if they don't have a degree. These banks don't care squat about the little people, but they don't mind us putting our money in them so they can use it.

marlu said...

What amazes me that there is no talk about the war - either from the Republicans or the Democrats.

No questions from the press - at least so far into the news conference.

Margie's Musings said...

True...they are trying to ignore that as an issue. When 2012 comes, we will all remember their attitude about the war.