Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Nothing Saturday

I have nothing on the agenda for today. Maybe I will clean house. I cleaned last week and spruced it up Sunday for the Living the Questions group.

I noticed this morning that my cheek has swollen up some. I stopped the ice because it seemed to make the redness worse. Now my cheek is swollen. Maybe I'd better put the icepack back on it.

I got a lot done yesterday. Yesterday afternoon late, I went to Wal Mart and bought some treats and sent the book off to Scott that he wanted in the same box. It costs $12.95 to send one of the larger boxes.

He wants to to see if I can order Secretariat for him in Blue Ray. He would also like to have 500 Nations, a documentary he wants for his collection. I'll see what I can do at Amazon. If I can, I will have it sent directly to his APO. He would probably get it sooner that way.

Well, they wouldn't ship out of the USA so I had the 500 Nations sent directly to me and I will send it on as soon as it comes. I pre-ordered Secretariat since it is not to be released until the 24th. I will send it on to him as soon as I receive it. They say I will have it by the 29th.

More later...

I couldn't decide what to eat today. I got a milk shake at Braums at 1:30 and fixed some popcorn for supper. I should have heated up some soup...but what the heck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Margie, Glad to see that so far so good with the eye surgery. I hope you continue to improve each day. I can't wait to see Secretariat. I will get it when it comes out on Netflix. We get all our movies that way. We had snow last night here and it is in the teens tonight. Guess I will stay in for a few days. Hope you have a good week.

Margie's Musings said...

We're supposed to get snow tomorrow afternoon. I will simply hole up in the house and read. I do not like snow.

Balisha said...

Hi Margie...So glad to hear that you are coming along so well. I am waiting for that movie on Netflix too. Icecream and popcorn?????