Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Better Day

After I cleaned house yesterday I went out job hunting and got all but one of my resumes' distributed before I came home.

As the afternoon progressed, I began to feel really drained. I sat down in the recliner and dozed off. When I awoke, I felt even worse..even hot. I got the thermometer and sure enough, I had 102 temperature. I didn't want to burn any more brain cells then possible so I took a couple of aspirin. I didn't feel much better so by 8:30, I took my bath and went to bed. I slept well all night and woke up feeling kind of drained but my fever was gone.

That's good. I clean Leslie's house today and then after that, I have an MC3 board meeting. I will just take my time with the cleaning. I usually have it finished by 11:00.

After that, I will come home and write my minutes and take it easy the rest of the day. I work tomorrow.

I am so seldom sick that I really am not sure what to do when I do get sick. I guess taking two aspirins and going to bed is not a bad decision though.


Balisha said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling better. A good night's sleep is good medicine. Balisha

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, it is. I have been fine today.

clairz said...

I'm glad you are feeling better, Margie. I'm pretty sure that your positive attitude and incredible energy have something to do with it!

Margie's Musings said...

We will see, Clair. My incredible energy is not holding up as well as I'd like. thanks for coming here and leaving a message. It is good to know this journal is not just for me to vent.