Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Back to Work

It's back to work today. I have done about all the damage I can do to my week. And on top of everything else, I have developed a of the first in recent history.

I will meet Bob A. this morning before work and have breakfast at Eggberts. All I had last night was a small carton of yogurt and that and a few small cookies was all I had all day.

Slinky has been in all night...woke me up a few times but the Benedril saved me. I went back to sleep. It kept my nose from running. I am out of Coldease and will try to find some at the dollar store. I usually start taking it right away. I only had six left in the package and I took those yesterday. After his breakfast, Slinky wanted to be outside. So he is out there on the chaise lounge now. It is time for me to leave for breakfast so I will add to this later in the day. I have nothing else to do today.

More later...

I met Bob for breakfast this morning and then went on to work. I have a terrible cold and I fought my nose all morning. When I got home and ate a sandwich, I went out to Wal Mart to get some more cold ease. That stuff really helps me. I will also take another benedril.

When I got out to Wal Mart, I ran onto Bob. He was looking for the children's liquid benedril. He had to settle for something else.

Tonight I will watch Harry's Law at 8:00. My PINCH meeting is at 5:30 at the Presbyterian Church. I should be back well before then.

1 comment:

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you! Come back again.