Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back to Work on Wednesday

I won't mention the sleep I had constantly interrupted last night. That's an old story, I know.

We took the cakes in to Independence yesterday. Two of our members "forgot". I hope they had enough cakes for dinner last night. The "forgetting" is getting to be more and more common. After we finished we ate a mini pizza at Big Cheese. Then I picked up my bedspread at the Wash and Fluff and a sweater at the cleaners. Bob A. paid the tax on his vehicle. So we got quite a bit done while up there.

I came home and just rested and watched a movie on TV.

Slinky stayed out all day and until 9:00 last night when it began to get colder. He barked to get in and I let him in. He went right to bed.

So today I get back to work. I will file and also put out the rest of the letters for juriors. I also need to get my supervisor to sign my time sheet and send in my job search.

Scott just called to see what would be a good time to come back. He wants to see his sister and brother-in-law too. I suggested Friday afternoon and Saturday. They would stay at Leslie and John's because they have a lot more room and also are closer to their age. I would go out to their house on Saturday to visit...perhaps pick up a pizza for dinner.

I will check with Leslie about their Saturday schedule.


patsy said...

i see you went to caney kansas to eat, sister Helen lived there once and I actual have been to caney. what sort of cakes did you make? My son made some cakes and sold them at the sale, just plain cakes. People bid on them and got them for $10 each. I am sure they thought they were special since they were home made but they were fooled.

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Margie's Musings said...

I made a yellow cake and a carrot cake. The were box cakes with store bought icing. Not the greatest.