Thursday, July 31, 2014

Another Thursday and Another Day of Make Up Work

This will be another 6 1/2 hour workday. I will also work tomorrow although ordinarily I will not work on Fridays. I will also have to work Saturday this week. I am attempting to make up the time I lost waiting for the college to call or the Safe House to call.  And I am going in fifteen minutes earlier and staying fifteen minutes later. I will continue doing that even after this pay period's time is made up. I will need the extra time to make 40 hours per pay period.

Also, hopefully, the Cox man will come back again today and install a new cable box. If this one doesn't work right, I will have to buy a new TV.  Bob will let him into my apartment since I will be at work.

I have my lunch fixed already. I will need to go over to Braum's and buy bread before I leave. I am using the last of the bread Bob gave me yesterday.  I bought shaved ham at the market yesterday and am using that for my sandwich. Bob gave me some sliced cheese. And I took an apple too.  

More later....after I get home from work.

We were very busy at the museum today. There were people from New Mexico, Dallas Texas, California,  and Colorado. We also had some from Oklahoma.  I came home very tired. 

Well, I didn't get my bread but Bob gave me another two slices  so I will make another ham and cheese sandwich for tomorrow and take some applesauce. I still need to get bread at Braums and litter for Missy.

I will fix a ham and potato casserole for tomorrow evening after work. Bob bought the ham pieces and enough for our Monday dinner too.  Saturday evening we will finish up our casserole.
Then Sunday evening I will soak beans and on Monday evening we will have ham and beans and Jalapeno cornbread.

This afternoon the Cox tech came for the fourth time this week. He was the senior tech. He said that box they left me was a piece of junk.  He brought in a very good box and I have pictures on all the channels I have contracted for. Now we'll see if I still have a picture tomorrow.  If not, I will have to buy a new TV.

We ate the rest of our hamburger pie tonight and had Bob's jello salad and his banana homemade ice cream for dessert.

We sat out on the carport after dinner and watched two red foxes over across the street near the woods.  Finally I convinced Missy to come in so I could take my bath and get my PJs on.


Balisha said...

Have a good day, Margie.

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, Balisha!