Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday At Last

Finally, it's Saturday! I had quite a night. I went to bed at 9:30 or so and woke up at 12:00 sick. I have a hard time throwing up so I was just sick. I ate chocolate covered peanuts last night before bed and I should know better.  My old stomach just can't stand it anymore.  Plus that, my left thumb ached terribly.  I took some Aleve but that didn't seem to help. Finally I moved in to the recliner and slept until 3:00 when I went back to bed. Missy followed me through all this activity.  I finally went back to sleep until 6:00.

This morning when I took Missy out on the carport, I discovered the white pickup the older boy used when he lived across the street in the house with that family, was parked in the drive behind the young kids car next to Marilyn's. This is the same truck they had the "music" blaring BOOM, BOOM. BOOM a week ago before the eviction. This is all in the fourplex.  Not only that..but the Nissan the woman who was evicted drives, was parked in the drive across the street again. She and the children had been evicted but they're least temporarily. I texted all this to Betty, the landlady. I am getting very sick of all this. As Merrill (Wayne's son) says, it's become a circus.  If I could find another apartment with a carport of garage, I would be tempted to move.

More later....

I just got back from breakfast at Sirloin Stockade.  Because of the Interstate Fair and Rodeo, they had quite a bit more business and the group that sat near us were noisy. Breakfast was "all right" but not as good as usual. Bob came back to my apartment to read the paper.  I will take him home shortly.

I texted Betty, the landlord, about this newest development here at the apartment and the house across the street. She was not happy. She said she hated a liar.  I don't know what she's going to do...probably nothing... since she and her husband are down at the lake.

I went through my closet in the bedroom and found some stuff I am never going to use again that I could donate to the church's rummage sale.  I then took it all out there and put it in the storage room.   There's quite a bit accumulating there.  We will have to go out there the Thursday evening before the sale starts on Friday and price everything.  It will be a big job. I will need to get some more price stickers at the Dollar General Store soon.

I baked cookies this afternoon and Bob came over for a little while. It's 5:00 now and I'd better go get my yogurt.

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