Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday and Haircut Day

I am looking forward to getting my hair done today. It is a mess. It grows very quickly and gets all out of shape...one of the problems with wearing very short hair.

I slept really well last night after taking two  Aleve for the pain in my left thumb area. That stuff works. The pain is back this morning but at least I got through the night without it.

I will leave for Independence with the cakes about 8:20. First I will pick up Bob so he can go too.  He will visit his sister, Betty, while I'm getting my hair done.  We will go out to Wal Mart and buy a few things after my hair is finished. Then we will eat lunch at Big Cheese. We both really like Big Cheese.

Missy is patiently waiting for daylight so we can go out on the carport. She is lying her beside my chair waiting...waiting...waiting.

I made up my menus this morning after I had my breakfast. I like to do the whole week at one time and that way I know what I need from the market.

I am hoping for the phone call from the college this week with my interview.  This is only Tuesday and they did tell Aime it would be the last of the week.

More later...

I just got home from Independence and taking Bob home and Marilyn, my neighbor, called me to tell me the police are across the street talking to the younger boy who lives there in the house and a police van is further down the street talking to the kids who live at 1811 Morgan where Bob used to live in this fourplex. I have no idea what is going on. They are leaving now.

It's about time for me to go to work so I probably won't know what's going on.

More even later....

I worked all afternoon on putting away DVDs and filing the cases. The only other thing I did was check the microfilm over for the missing information. I managed to find it all in the Journal files. Thank goodness.

Tonight I hope there is something decent to watch on TV.  I will check it out.


ChuckFu said...

Atleast your hair grows, mine fell out

Margie's Musings said...

Mine does too, Keith. But I take Biotin to stop it.