Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday and Up Early

I got up about 4:00 AM this morning. I got to thinking about the two pies I am baking for Christmas dinner at John and Leslie's and the Waldorf salad I plan to make as well. I did not get the makings for any of that at Walmart yesterday so I will need to do that before Christmas.  I need to look up my recipes and make a list of ingredients.  Also, I need to make my traditional peanut clusters this week for the tins I bought earlier. I usually would have those made by now. I am slowing down. I am giving one tin to Bobby and one probably to Marilyn R. I thought about that and could not get back to sleep.

Bob came by and ate some popcorn last night after his stint as a Salvation Army bell ringer but did not want to stay for the video of The Christmas Carol. He was cold and tired. We will watch it tonight or I will watch it alone.

We are supposed to go to Tony and Gay's in Chanute for lunch tomorrow. We will have breakfast at Sirloin Stockade first as usual. Today we will have meatloaf for lunch and the rest of the scalloped potatoes. I will fix a veggie and I have Bob's salad from yesterday in the frig with saran over it. I also have more pudding and cookies. That will be today's lunch. I took the rest of the three meatballs from Leslie over to Marilyn R's. with some of the scalloped potatoes. That was to have been her supper. I will also take her some meatloaf after lunch.

Sunday evening we are having Living the Questions at Joyce's at 7:00. I will need to pick up Bob and Gary for that. 

Sometime next week I will go back out to Walmart and get the ingredients for my part of the Christmas dinner. I need to make a list. Walmart is closing for Christmas at 2:00 PM on Christmas Eve.

Leslie contacted Denise (my niece and her cousin) to invite her and Dee (Denise's daughter) for Christmas dinner. I am supposed to ask Bob. Denise is to bring Braum's eggnog and Bob is to bring a relish tray. Jeff and Cyndi are coming too and Cyndi will bring food too. ..a dessert and perhaps veggies.

Maybe I can get my peanut clusters made this afternoon after lunch.

More later...

Lunch was good and after lunch I got my peanut clusters done. They are cooling and setting up right now.  I thought I had bought two tins for them but all I could find was one. I may check out the dollar store and see if they still have them. If not, I will have to make a run to V&S Variety and see if they still have them.  When they set up, I will stack them between sheets of waxed paper.

The parking lot at the Dollar General Store was full so I went back to V&S variety and they had some. I bought two more.  I got two filled before I ran out of candy. I may make some more later on and fill the other one. I want to take one to Tony and Gay tomorrow and give another one to Marilyn R.  or Bobby. Bobby is not feeling well today. I don't know whether he would want candy or not.  I guess I will ask Karan.

This is Bobby and Karan.

You can't see Bobby. I may find another one that shows him.
There he is! She said he wanted it! She is coming to pick it up! Bob A. came over this evening for popcorn and a Coke. We watched brooks and Shields analysis of the news but he didn't want to stay for the video so he went on home. I took my bath and sat in the recliner with Missy in my lap as usual and then I discovered that The Christmas Carol was on TV so I sat and watched it with Missy. Then I went to bed.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I ran out of flour yesterday so that and whatever else i need for cookies is going on to a list today. I just read on the news that Walmart will stay open until 8 on Christmas Eve now.

And I got up at 4 too! But then I went back to bed ha ha :)

Margie's Musings said...

Our WalMart says they will close at 2:00 PM on Christmas Eve.