Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday and Another Sleepless Night

I slept well until 2:00 when I woke up to go to the bathroom. I took my thyroid pill while there and cleaned the litter box out and then went back to bed. I never got back to sleep. Finally at 3:30, I just got up. I am going to have to get some more Zzzquil I guess. I just can't shut off my mind once I wake up.

Leslie and I will leave this morning at 8:00 - 8:30 to go to Kansas City for my doctor's appointment at Kansas University Medical Center. I dread that. They will infuse my bladder and bowel with water to see just how much I can hold. Sounds awful. I have to take my antibiotic this morning with my breakfast. I will take the bottle with me. I am supposed to take the other antibiotic pill after the procedure. Bob will be on his own for lunch. Those two pills were $5.50 each. They must be powerful. I don't want to have the surgery until after the first of the year. I don't want to have to deal with recuperating from it during the holidays.

More later...

I have fed Missy and myself and dressed and taken my meds. I wanted to watch the news but all I found was commercials. What a mess!

After the trip...

We ate a wonderful lunch at Perkins before my appointment. It was free pie day and they gave each of us pie to take home. Leslie bought three muffins and they gave us three free ones.

But what a day! I learned one thing I can record here...I am not a candidate for another surgery.  I will just have to deal with it.

Leslie and I got back home at 8:30. I took my bath and Missy and I went to bed soon after. I was exhausted.

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