Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday and Rain Again

I knew I should have bit the bullet and mowed the back yard last evening. I just didn't. I had hoped it would not rain but it did. Now the grass is wet back there and it will have to dry out before I can mow it.  Oh well!

I still have Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to do it. IF it doesn't continue to rain.

I got up fairly early again this morning. It was close to 5:00AM. I have had my breakfast and coffee and Chai and am working on my Cappuccino. I have watched some of the news but really have just been baking my cake for Tuesday. I will ice it when it is cool and freeze it tomorrow in the church's freezer. Bob will pick it up on his way to Independence on Tuesday.

Scott has agreed to let Ginger buy one of John and Leslie's Cowboy Corgi puppies so I imagine they will be driving to Nashville with the little fellow the last of the month. They are naming him "Sarge". He looks like a "Sarge" too. I hope Ginger's old dog, Chloe, will accept him and I hope the cat, Eddy, will too. They are very jealous of one another as far as Ginger is concerned. I will be gone to Branson with the senior center group and Karan over the last weekend of the month so I hope they will deliver him at a different time. I had agreed to keep Raven for them when they do their deliveries. Karan and I will be gone the 30th and 31st. John will be at Bartlesville's Sunfest the 31st of May and the 1st and 2nd of June. He is entering some of his art work in a booth there.

The timer just went off and I got the cake out of the oven and it is cooling now.

More later...

Well, the cake is cooled and iced and ready to be frozen tomorrow at church. I also took that big box the Bag Buddy came in and put it in the large trash container at the Caney car wash.  It wouldn't fit into mine. I wash my car there every week so I know they wouldn't care.

It's almost 8:30 AM now and I am pretty caught up with all my chores. The dishes are washed and put away too. In the morning, I will make up my coffeecake for the church school classes and ice it.

More even later...

I went to Independence this morning before lunch. I was looking for three prizes for the June bunco games. I am in charge of providing them in June. I didn't find anything appropriate. I also went to Goody's looking for  a purse. The one I am using now has come apart twice and I have just basted it back together. I didn't find anything I wanted to buy. I stopped at three different stores to look for those prizes but didn't find anything I wanted to buy. I did go into the Penn Avenue Beauty Shop up there that carries my makeup and bought some powder base. Then after that I went to the post office and bought stamps and then to Big Cheese for a personal pan pizza and a root beer.  That was my lunch. Then I stopped at Orschelens and bought another hook to hold a hanging plant I want to buy for the front of my apartment. That was the extent of my shopping and after that I came on back home.

I checked the state of the back yard but it was still too wet to mow. I hope to do it after church tomorrow afternoon. I hope it's dry enough to do it by then. I did deadhead my flowers again. I also want to bring that red mulch around tomorrow if the weather permits.Still haven't seen my hummingbird for three days now. I did see the little grey cat that I have been feeding out front. He/she was eating the cat food I have been leaving for it this morning. There is also a small yellow cat that comes to eat sometimes. He/she was checking the food situation here day before yesterday. And the starlings help themselves to it too. These two little cats look like they could be strays. They certainly are thin.

It's just now 8:00PM and I'd like to stay up until 9:00PM.  I have watched a couple of TV programs but there's really nothing on I am interested in watching this evening. I am recording two programs that come on at 9:00PM. I will watch them another day.

I have turned up the furnace again.  I got cold last night.

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