Karan just texted me to bring our Mother's Day flowers to church to share on the worship table. I don't know whether I can get mine there without spilling the water. I just used fresh water and the last packet of plant food in it and I don't have a jar with a lid for the fresh water. I have my cake for Tuesday and the coffeecake to bring too as well. Karan seems determined to do this. Maybe I will just put the vase between my feet on the floor.
Bob just suggested a box. I also have the packing material that came with my Bag Buddy. Maybe I can put that around the vase in the box.
I just got the coffeecake out of the oven and it is cooling. When it is cool I will ice it.
I got it iced and will pack my car now.
How about that! That all worked fine! I now need to get on my way about 8:20AM. It is 8:15AM now!
I just heard from Leslie that they have reservations for Vintage for lunch. That's a really nice restaurant! Sounds great!
My kids are super!
More later...
The church service was very good and we had a very good dinner at Vintage afterward.
When I got home, I got out of my church clothes and into some jeans and an older shirt and mowed the back yard and trimmed all three yards. They all look nice and neat now. Leslie said the next time they were in my area, they would stop by and sharpen the blade on the mower. That may help... although I really hadn't noticed it was dull.
Melissa had a very good sermon this morning and she gave each person there a little begonia plant. I will plant mine in the flowerbed in a little while. I also want to get a hanging basket of flowers for the front of the apartment sometime soon. I will look around here in Caney and see if they have any left at that place on the highway. If not, I will buy one on Wednesday when I go to Coffeyville for my hair appointment. I bought the hook to put it on yesterday at Orschelen's in Independence.
More later...I want to get some water.

They had a Mother's Day sale on hanging potted petunias over on the highway. I looked at them yesterday but went back today to buy this hanging basket. It was on sale for Mother's Day today...a couple of dollars off the other price. After I saw this photo, I took the faded garden flag back by the back flower bed. It was a distraction here in front.
I never did get the mulch out of the trunk. I played out after the mowing and all the other stuff I had done. I will get to it soon. First I have to buy or borrow a bucket. I don't know what happened to the red one Bob gave me years ago. It could be in the attic. I will check that out one of these days soon.
I did watch 60 Minutes this evening. I wanted to see the program on the investigation on the collaborative price fixing of the generic drug companies on the cost of generic drugs. Connecticut is leading the way on this investigation. I wonder where Kansas is on this. I understand 44 states are suing the generic drug companies with Connecticut leading the way. Many people have to decide which to spend their money on...food or medicine. The price of insulin and even some very common antibiotics have gone through the ceiling.
It's a little after 7:30PM now and I have had my bath and put my pjs on and am ready for bed. But I won't actually go to bed before 9:00PM.
Happy Mothers Day Mom, wish we could be there
Me too, Keith! I would love that sometime. But I know how busy you kids are and I understand. You live a far piece away.
Did you see? Scott and Ginger are getting one of John and Leslie's Cowboy Corgis. They are delivering him to them next weekend halfway to Nashville at a small town in Missouri.
Love the yellow flower. Different colors are nice.
That's true, Sister-Three. I seldom get yellow but these looked real good!
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