Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday and Nothing Much Going On

 I slept well last night again. The Melatonin gummies really work well. 

Jody called last evening to get Karan's telephone number. She wanted to check on her. I checked on it and called Jody back with it.

I dressed this morning and got myself ready for the day. I also found Blondie waiting for his breakfast so I took it out to him. I was out of moist cat food but he ate plenty of the dry cat food and seemed satisfied.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and the forecast calls for some rain this week..thank goodness and a little cooler weather. Nothing in the 100's in the forecast this week.!

Today is to be 97 degrees and  partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 95 degrees and AM showers, Monday is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 89 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Wednesday is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy. So it looks like a possibility of at least two days of rain...Saturday and Tuesday. Any rain at all is appreciated.

More Later...I will take my walk while it's fairly cool.. at 78 degrees. 

So More Later...It's 7:04AM now and I have taken my walk. I got very little trash this morning. Maybe I am making headway on keeping the streets I walk clean.  I can hope. I got a beer can (half full) and a pop cup with lid and some small odds and ends. That's about all.

More Even Later....

I read all morning and then went to Independence for my $7.00 special lunch at Dairy Queen. As usual, it was very good. Then I read all afternoon and finished my second book.

Sally called me late afternoon and asked me to take her to Bartlesville to pick up her latest car...a Toyota Corolla. I did that and then  we came back home to bring my car back home. She had two free tickets to Oppenheimer and I wanted to see that movie so she picked me up at 5:00PM and we went back to Bartlesville to that movie.  We got home after the movie. I thought it was very good.

I got to to bed about 11:00PM.


1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

It’s so hot here you can hardly breathe when outside. It’s going to be better next week I think.