Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday and a Cold Day.

 I slept off and on last night even though I took a sleeping pill. I guess that's just the way it's going to be. I opened the front door to Blondie and soon that little cat that looks just like him, joined him. I had my breakfast bar and coffee and Chai Latte and waited for "the weather on the 8's" to come on. The little grey cat soon joined the other two and I took another bowl of dry food out for it. Blondie is allowing it to eat. So the only ones who aren't here yet at the pitch black one and the pure white one. So I guess I am feeding five cats now. That's my only extravagance so I guess that's not a problem. I enjoy watching them and feeding them.

Today is to be 64 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 63 degrees and mostly cloudy, Sunday is to be 67 degrees and mostly sunny,  Monday is to be 68 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be  66 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 68 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday is to be 71 degrees and mostly cloudy. That's the rain. And we really need it.

More Later ...

I was reading one of the blogs I follow and the woman was soon going to be 80 years old. Heck! In December on the 2nd, I will be 88 years old and have very few health problems. I feel blessed! I take one thyroid pill a day and one blood pressure pill too. My main problem is getting up and down from a chair. I have fallen on my knees twice and they no longer work smoothly. I still walk a mile each morning and stoop to pick up trash from the street so I will continue to do that until I no longer can. The walking is good for me and the stooping to pick up the trash keeps me flexible in that department. And I thoroughly clean my 5 room apartment every week too. So I am still putting one foot in front of the other. That's what counts!

More Even Later. 

I stopped at the Antique Mall in Coffeyville and found that little 4 foot lighted Christmas tree I saw last Wednesday. If it works, it will be just right for my living room at Christmas. I saw Keith Buchele and also met the son that lives with him, Curtis. Keith and I had a nice visit. Keith is 94. I dated him when I was in high school....back in the dark ages.

I got back home after a couple of hours. 

I will be interested to see if that tree lights up.

More Even Later... It's 59 degrees and sunny now.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Margie, you are doing great. Keep pushing on.