Sunday, July 12, 2009

Usual Busy Sunday

I got up early this morning which is my usual way. We left for church at 9:00. I had the bulletins to run. After Sunday School and church we came home to eat because the weather was so hot the dog could not be out any longer. We just had salad because we had had biscuits and gravy at church and were not hungry.

Slinky came right in. He has been in all afternoon and has not eaten all day. I would imagine he's too uncomfortable but he's in air conditioning now so I don't know what his problem is. I left his food out in here in the kitchen. If he gets hungry, he may eat.

I made my cherry pie cake for tonight's dessert. We have "Living the Questions" here at 7:00. I got some Breyer's low carb vanilla ice cream to put on it. That and mixed nuts and iced tea should do. I don't know how many of our 12 members will attend. It's a good group. Three Community of Christ, two Presbyterians, two Southern Baptists and four Methodists (and an agnostic).


Betty said...

Cherry pie cake sounds yummy. How about giving us the recipe?

Linda said...

You must have a unique group to have peace with that mix of religious preferences. Good to hear there are such groups around.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, Linda, we have a wonderful fellowship. I also have a great relationship with the ministers in our ministerial associations. They are all wonderful people too.

I will post that recipe here. It is so easy yet so yummy. They are almost all of it. We had a couple of extras this evening.