Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowy Friday

It's not snowing here but we still have 17 inches on the ground. It is piled up next to my patio too high for Slinky to get through. It would cover him up. He has worn a path next to the house though and when he goes out, that's where he goes. He slept through the night last night and when I got up at five and wanted to put him out to go pee, he was not interested. After he had his dog food and oatmeal he did go out...very briefly. It's 4 degrees out there now so I don't blame him.

I had such a good time yesterday! I have such great friends and family. As I told the Livelys and the Bredesens yesterday afternoon, their friendship and inclusion has got me through this past nine months.

Today, I am thinking of trying to go to Independence to get my hair done. It looks terrible! I washed it Tuesday night because it had become so oily and stringy but since it has gotten so thin, it just lays on my head. When I was young and my hair was thick, I could just wash it and because it was naturally curly, it looked fine. Oh well...vanity, vanity, thy name is woman!

If I do go to Independence, I will go by the church and see if Billie Jo's husband has scraped it with his tractor. He has done that twice before. If he hasn't, John will take his tractor over the country roads and scrape it or we will not be able to have church on Sunday. There will be 17 inches of snow in that parking lot too.

More later...

On another subject, I received authorization this morning from our church to offer a Temple School course at our family camp (called reunions) this summer in a very different way. Another member, Madaleen and I will show the Living the Questions DVDs and then entertain discussion afterward. These are very progressive videos featuring the very latest information from scholars like John Dominic Crosson and Marcus Borg and several others and we expect the class to be small since we are in the center of the Bible belt where many folks take the Bible very literally. It should be an interesting experience.

I did go to the post office and then up to see if the church parking lot had been scraped. It had not. So John. my son in law will do it. I intend to go out and do the walks if I hear when he will be out there.

Then at one o'clock I went to Larry's funeral. It lasted an hour and a half. I needed milk and juice and had not eaten all day so I stopped by Braums and got a milkshake.

4 comments: TN said...

Hi margie, thanks for the comments on my blog. I din't know your husband died. I went back and read all the posts in May of last year. I could have written them myself. It was a rough time. I was lucky if I slept two hours....and it was like that for over a year. Bill was bedfast for 11 months. He couldn't even sit up in bed. A lot of days I thought I would die before him. And he was a hard person to care for. It was like having ten babies. He had to have a certain fork, his sheet had to be on the bed perfectly, his wash cloth had to be a certain tempature, He told me one day I couldn't do anything right. But he had good points too (before he got sick)...but you know what, I miss him terribly and I would do it all over again. I never did post a lot about his illness on my blog until right there at the very last. I felt I had to tell somebody. But I kept a dairy and wrote down many things he said. He died in November and I am just now getting to where I don't have this feeling that I have to rush home when I go out. It seemed so strange to go somewhere and not have to rush. He was sick 18 years but bedbound for 11 months. I don't know what I would have done without Hospice. I hope you are doing well. I haven't been posting and reading blogs like I once did, but things are different now. Maybe I can get caught up with my on line friends, and I consider you one of them. Take care and enjoy life to the fullest. We have a lot to live for and be thankful for, don't we? That's what I intend to do. Lovingly, Clara

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you for your remarks, Clara. Several of us have been through this in the past year.

Bob was a good patient. He didn't complain much and he had that lymphedema for six months before he went down that day in May.

Anonymous said...

Hi Margie, That Slinky is one smart dog. He doesn't want to get out in that cold weather! I am so glad you have such good friends and family that think of you often. Clara had such a hard time before her husband died. She must be a saint with some of the stuff she went through. Have a good weekend.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, Judy. I don't know how she held up with all she had to deal with. I don't think I could have done it.