Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday at Last!

Many of my concerns are now fixed. The roof is on, flimsy as it appears to be. It is supposed to cut out 98% of all UV rays from the sun. But it is much thinner then the old material.'s on.

The computer seems to be least for the time being. My money concerns are temporarily fixed. My kids have donated to the cause. That takes the pressure off of five weeks between Social Security payments this month. I don't get my Social Security until the second Wednesday and most of my bills, including the mortgage, come due long before then.

I need to go to the market after work today and I need to clean my house. It has been a couple of weeks since I have done that. With a shedding cat in the house, I'm sure there is hair over everything.

Above all, since I've been taking Melatonin, I have been getting some good sleep and I feel like a human being when I get a good night's sleep.

Then tonight at 5:10, we leave for that surprise party for Leslie.

More later...I need to go feed the animals.

Well, again, no work. And furthermore my supervisor will be gone until next Friday. I have no idea what I will do with myself all next week.


marlu said...

So glad things are "looking up" for you.
Have fun at that party this evening.

Margie's Musings said...

I hope to...thanks so much Marlu. Have a great holiday!