Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Hot Day

This has been another one. I started it out in the usual way...the animals, breakfast with my brother-in-law, and then I actually got my trimming done and half of the weeding in the front flowerbed, before it got unbearable out there. Then I went out to visit Phyllis and Gerry. Phyllis was a little brighter today....not much though.

Then I came home and read my book. I had finished "The Help" yesterday and today I read "The Lincoln Lawyer". It was quite good. I haven't seen either movie. Usually the movies don't follow the book very well and I usually prefer the book. I really love my new Kindle the kids gave me for Christmas. If I want to read a book, I just download it from Amazon. I don't even have to leave the house. This fall, I'll be able to download books from the library and just borrow them.

It's almost 7:30 now. And it's still 95 degrees.

I got my water and electric bill today. Last August it was $125.00. This August it is $195.00. I will have to get into my savings to pay it.

Slinky was inside most of the day. He gets so hot.

More later...

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