Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's Sunday

Last night Slinky slept outdoors. It didn't get any colder than 28 degrees but when he went to bed it was 56 degrees. He barked for the better part of an hour until I finally went out and bawled him out good. Then he quieted down and went to sleep. I didn't hear a peep out of him until 5:30 this morning. Then I had made my bed and made up my face and dressed so I came in and let him into the kitchen. He's had his dog food and oatmeal now and is lying here on the floor on his cushion perfectly happy. I got a good night's sleep again. It's stayed warm so far but the cold weather will come next week.

We will have our budget meeting this morning at church. We will have to cut some programs. We were $2660 over budget this year. It will be a hard meeting. Then I have the sermon.

We will probably all go eat somewhere after church. We usually do. Then I will come home and do my letters and later on this evening go to Wanzers for the Living the Questions group. A rather typical Sunday....except for the business meeting.

Update!! The CFO contacted me last night to say her formula had entered one huge expense, the building's insurance...twice. We are just a little over $600 over budget. I can live with that. I was quite concerned that we were living well beyond our means.


Kay Dennison said...

Good luck on your meeting!!! I HAD to come visit you after I read your comment at Betty's!! I thought I was alone in using the phrase "if he had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it"! Always glad to find someone whose mind wanders the same path as mine. I'll be back!

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Kay. I appreciate that. :)