Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What A Night!

It's been one of those nights again. Slinky woke up at midnight and was barking. I went out to check it out and it was balmy so I told him to go back to bed. At 3:00, he was awake again and barking. My next door neighbor's bedroom window is just off my patio where he sleeps so I simply cannot let him bark, I went out again and hushed him and this time it was cold so I brought him and his bedding in. I told him to get back to sleep but he barked every fifteen minutes the rest of the night. I constantly got up to shush him and order him back to bed but this time it didn't work. I haven't slept since midnight.

I have to work this morning and then go to Independence for my hair appointment and after that, make a trip to Parsons to meet Scott and Becky and get her car back to her. Leslie will meet me then and bring me home. It will be a big day and I will be exhausted before it's done. On top of Slinky, Missy woke me up twice to go out. When I went out to scold Slinky for barking she came back in the first time. In thirty minutes she woke me again to get back out. Animals!

It appears Mitt Romney won the Florida primary last night. I'm not happy about it but I am glad Newt Gingrich didn't win. He's a mess!


Balisha said...

This problem with Slinky has to be so hard for you. I hope that you can manage your day with no sleep. I really don't think it's healthy for you to constantly not get enough sleep.I wish there was some solution. It must be just a habit of his.I'll be thinking of you today. Be safe,

Betty said...

Have you thought of trying one of those collars that will zap him every time he barks? I've heard they work pretty well, and don't hurt the dogs.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks Balisha. He is in the house this evening. I am hoping he will rest beter tonight so I can get some rest too.

No, I haven't tried that, Betty. They sound cruel though. Being zapped cannot be fun.

Margie's Musings said...
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