Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Rainy Thursday

It's supposed to rain today. We certainly need the rain but I never got my trimming done this week. I will definitely have to trim after I mow next Monday evening.

Scott, my youngest called this morning. I always enjoy talking to him. He is struggling with the loss of his girlfriend but he broke up with her this time and he believes he went to far with words.

My eldest son called yesterday afternoon while the cable man was here and I had to cut him off since the man was trying to explain to me about my new cable lineup. I hate that. I always enjoy hearing from my kids and they are great about staying in touch. Perhaps he will call me back this evening after I get off work.

I listen to NPR every morning to get the news of over night. Today was no different. Then I usually watch PBS in the evening. I sit in the recliner with the laptop in my lap and e-mail and read the news. After that, as I watch TV, I play solitaire.

I am trying to stay up with the political scene. In another 40 days, we will be through this horrible political scene. I still intend to vote for Obama. Romney is so out of touch with the common folk. A couple of days ago, he made the most outlandish comment. He said the poor are not left without health care. He said they can always go to the emergency room and receive free health care. This man doesn't live in the real world.

As I scan and file documents every day in the district court house, I deal with literally thousands of files of the hospital and various doctors suing folks for their emergency room fees. Many of these poor uninsured folks make payment arrangements to pay off thousands of dollars of fees and many have to take medical bankruptcy. There is no free medical care. These are the very people he was speaking about without health care. Many work at minimum wage jobs and some have no jobs at all but they have medical issues.

More later....


Balisha said...

I agree with you, Margie. I'll be so glad when it is over. I am so tired of having to defend my views on Pres. Obama. He cares about the little guy and his opponent has no clue.

Margie's Musings said...

That's the truth, Balisha. I do hope he wins. Romney is living in a world of his own.